Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Italy's Worries Libya Immigrant Invasion

Italians worried by the entry of 300,000 immigrants from Libya in the midst of chaos in the north African country, the ANSA news agency reported on Tuesday (22/02/2011). The entry of about 200,000 to 300,000 immigrants, including scenarios that are discussed in a cabinet meeting led by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, ANSA said.

That meeting occurred after the Italian air base alert and send a number of additional military helicopters to the south of the country. A government source told AFP that the cabinet meeting on Tuesday was also "warned of the risk that the situation could deteriorate with serious consequences for political stability and territorial integrity."

So far Libya has closed the flow of illegal immigration via the Mediterranean Sea to Italy after signing a friendship treaty with the former colonial rulers in 2008, which then facilitates the massive investment between the two countries.

Two Libyan colonel fighter jets landed with them on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea on Monday. Both men said they refused orders to bomb the protesters.

Italian Defence Minister, Ignazio La Russa, before, said the meeting would discuss the possible use of the Italian armed forces in dealing with migration flows are expected to follow it. La Russa said, Italy will also hold a naval destroyer.

Meanwhile, Berlusconi spoke by telephone with leaders of Libya, Moamar Qaddafi, on Tuesday, the Italian leader's office said in a statement. Qaddafi urged Berlusconi to pursue a peaceful solution in dealing with the growing protests.

The Italian government on Tuesday, is also ready to evacuate hundreds of residents from former colonies it. A special flight with Alitalia airlines take-off toward Tripoli and a military transport plane C-130 estimated to leave for Libya on the same day to evacuate some 1,500 citizens of Italy in the country.

Italy also said it was preparing a backup in case of disruption of natural gas supplies from Libya, which accounted for 13 percent of Italy's gas imports. "If we face a scenario of supply disruptions, the security committee for the supply of gas has been alerted and the normal and additional reserves will be used," said Stefano Saglia, Italy's undersecretary of energy. "Therefore, there should be no problem. Historically, even during the heaviest, the leader of Libya, Qaddafi, never interfere with the supply," said Saglia.

Italy is Libya's biggest trading partner, and the violence that has forced several Italian companies to evacuate their expatriate employees.

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