Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Menpora: PSSI Indonesia Must Submission Rules

Jakarta: State Minister of Youth and Sports Andi Mallarangeng asserted PSSI must be subject to the rules prevailing in Indonesia. "PSSI must submit to and follow the rules applicable laws and sport in Indonesia," Andi said after a working meeting at the government palace in Bogor, West Java, on Tuesday (22 / 2). Andi assertion is related to the opinion of some parties who always uses the Statutes of FIFA as an excuse to justify some decisions related to PSSI.

According to him, the government is giving full attention to the dynamics that occur in the PSSI. He said the government still uses the rule of legislation in force in Indonesia as a reference. "The government's reference is to the laws and regulations applicable in Indonesia, not anywhere else," said Andi.

Previously, Andi asked PSSI immediately correct the results of verification of the general election for chairman of PSSI period 2011-2015 in accordance with prevailing regulations. "Under the provisions of Regulation No. 16/2007, the PSSI has clearly not meet these requirements. Therefore, the government warned that this provision is implemented in PSSI congress," said Andi [read: Menpora: PSSI Must Correct Decision].

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