Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

The Story Makers of Bojongsoang Antivirus

Of the five children gifted in the IT field in which he described his work at ITB East Hall on Friday (11/02/2011) afternoon, the duo brothers Artav Antivirus program makers, Arrival Dwi Sentosa (13) and Taufik Aditya Utama (18), received the most rousing welcome They are staying digadang become the first viewer. And when Artav (Arrival Taufik Antivirus) managed to find a local virus called Yuyun that fester in the flash disk belonging to a panelist, the audience spontaneously stood up and greeted him with thunderous applause (standing ovation) for both of them.
Taufik and Rival success not only proven through testing in the presence of more than one hundred spectators, but it can be seen from the number of downloaders Artav that until Monday (14/02/2011) evening reached 300,000 people from 60 countries. In fact, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Patrialis Akbar also promised to help the process to obtain a patent Artav on behalf of both.
In terms of features, applications can be downloaded free by any Internet user has several advantages. As Anti Hacker features that can protect your computer from intrusion attempts, Mail Services to identify and clean the virus is nested in the mailbox, and Internet Security that is still in development stage. There's also a USB Scan feature to ensure that every flash disk that plug into your computer virus-free.
For Arrival and Taufik, the success Artav detect the virus is the fruit of hard work both in developing and building database applications for the past year the virus.Meksipun derived from a simple family, they never stop developing an antivirus program which was originally given the name Eagel Protection.
Naughty Virus
Artav antivirus program actually begins from the vexation of two teenagers from this Bojongsoang that every day to find viruses on a computer owned by his father. They could not figure out why the viruses were not being resolved after all the antivirus programs tested. "Until finally the motherboard is damaged. I do kesel," recalled Rival Artav early commencement of the project.
So that the computer can be used again, students in grade II SMP 48 Bandung berjibaku raise money with his brother, Taufik, for to buy a new motherboard. In addition to pocket money, they also save money Lebaran rations normally used to buy new clothes. "Lebaran of 2009 yesterday we had not bought new clothes. The money used to buy a motherboard," the story of a diamini Rival Taufik.
Motherboard costing Rp 450,000 that they could finally buy a computer and the father was able to function again.
End of March 2010, they began to draft an antivirus application using Visual Basic with makeshift facilities. They only rely on his father's computer which is used daily to improve customers' mobile phones.
Collectors Virus
In building Artav, Arrival and Taufik do it together, including in collecting virus database. But in general, the brain is at the head of rival programs that do more coding and programming. Meanwhile, Taufik who currently sits in class II SMA 25 Bandung concentrate on the interface and display design.
"The development programs have often done. Starting from a lot of errors until the addition of features. But if in terms of appearance, we do three times until finally finding Artav name," said Taufik who do almost all detail view Artav.
While Rival charge of building the program from scratch using Visual Basic programs under their control by self-taught. Over the past year, Taufik and Rival also collect a database of virus from one cafe to another cafe. "The virus is not normally circulate in the cafe via the internet and flash disks," said Rival argued virus searches through the cafe.
Moreover, he added, the virus that are difficult to identify and eradicate usually derived from local virus database antivirus program has not been held abroad. So the hunt directly to the field is the most effective way in building a database of viruses, particularly the artificial virus programmers Indonesia.
Every home from work, took Rival visit cafe-cafe around the school. She spent two hours in the cafe, then continued his research at home until the evening. Due to frequent back and forth to collect viruses, several guards and cafe owners recognize this and are happy to help.
"If the cafe is already known, I usually Nitip flash disk (to accommodate the files bervirus). Go home school bervirus flash that I take home," the story of Rival.
Within a day, a member of an online gaming forum Nyit Nyit is able to collect up to 20 viruses. Once collected, the virus was brought to the house to be researched and retrieved algorithm virus. The work of collecting and checking the virus is also assisted by her classmates. His friends in the community Kaskus also helped conduct periodic test viruses that have been collected.
Currently, antiviral Artav able to identify and overcome the 1031 types of viruses and hundreds of thousands of other variants. "Sixty percent of the database of virus in Artav a local virus," said Rival to Kompas.com, late last week.
Simplified Family
Seeing the success of the first son and second mate and Jenny Herman Suherman this Soffia Artav in developing antivirus program, it is difficult suspect both come from ordinary families who lived on the street Bojongsoang 72, Bandung, West Java. To meet the daily needs, their father only rely on income from HP repair, which opened since 2003. While her mother worked daily as a kindergarten principal.
"Now make eating alone is not enough. Moreover, to fund their schools," said Herman.
Although derived from ordinary families, cultivate talent from their computer to the father who graduated from STM Electronics 2 Bandung (now CMS 4). Before the layoffs hit berjemaah, Herman has worked as a supervisor and programmer panaset Panasonic PT Inti. So no wonder that her sons are already familiar with computers since childhood.
"Taufik known since third grade elementary school computer. If Arrival class of elementary school," the story of Herman about the talent his two sons.
Of the two, enthusiastic Rival in studying computer programs look bigger. While sitting in class III SD, he was fluent operate Windows. "Class V, Rival has been tinkering with computers. He also was able to assemble and to set up Windows itself, "said the father.
Rival claims independently studying computer science, aided guidance and support of her mother's father. In addition to seeking a reference on the internet, Rival always noted the titles of books that needed to be handed to his mother. Each time you get a 'shopping list', the mother who is also fond of reading books and antivirus buy computer books to his son at the nearest bookstore. "If there are books I need, I was entrusted to the mother and asked to buy at the bookstore," says Rival.
Through its own efforts to study this, Rival can make a simple program such as MP3 music player programs and trackers Virus (virus scanners), although not complete primary school. While in junior high, a fan of online games continues to deepen its ability to use Visual Basic to create programs and games code.
Premium Artav
When asked who often faced barriers in making Artav, Taufik and Rival with lights off casually mentioned factors that often make it have to redo work that had been prepared hours earlier. Search the virus database is also a challenge which until now still being perfected.
"I also do not quite understand about the network. So would a lot to learn about internet security to Mr. Onoo (Onno W. Purbo)," said Rival mention the difficulties faced.
With the advantages that have been embedded into the Artav, both Taufik and Rival optimistic program this application will be number one. Currently, Rival who aspire to have enterprise caliber Microsoft have got a laptop school scholarships and prizes from cellular operator XL as one form of support. ITB Parties have expressed willingness to help develop the program.
In the future, they hope to release a premium version with more advantages than a free application that is now up to version 2.5.

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