Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Diet According to Blood Type

Diets based on blood type was first introduced by Dr. Peter JD'Adamo who conduct research on any type of blood which showed the impression of physiology apply to lectins that enter the body weight. Lectins are proteins found in foods, especially plant kekacang. Each protein foods that are absorbed by the body, according to him only in accordance with certain blood types.

In his book, "Eat Right For Your Type" which was published in 1996 pass through the study carried out many years it was explained that unlicensed individuals have a berbeza tindakbalas to food based on blood type owned. According to him, a diet that is not tightly linked with the docking victorious this by adding that unlicensed food lectins are not compatible with certain blood types will bring bad effect on kesihatan individual complications include clotting of red blood cells and various other complications.

This berbeza with making the food according to blood type kerana whom he gives the impression of a positive emotional state that is more stable, easier to handle the pressure and increased durability versus disease. Besides making foods that correspond with the blood type was also believed to restore the function of body systems and improve the body's metabolism.

The blood consists instead of four types namely A, B, AB, and O.


Dr. Peter JD'Adamo in his book suggests owners take a blood type A vegetarian diet by taking foods that contain adequate lectins little. This kerana if taken in quantity lectin content that many will cause stomach problems. According to him again, group of individuals who have blood type A produces more mucus content compared to other blood types. This situation raises the risk of diseases such as type Alahan asthma, ear infections and respiratory tract disorders.

Besides food sources is based on haiwan like fish and chicken may be taken but in limited quantity. Individuals with this blood type are also encouraged to take milk that has been through the process penapaian like sour milk, cream without fat, natural cheese, eggs from free-range chicken or organic species (in limited numbers), fat (in limited quantities, kekacang and grain and bean milk soya. Individuals of blood type needs to take vegetables and fruits in quantity of lots.

Foods to be avoided are white seafood such as white siakap fish, squid, beef, smoked meat, milk, processed cheese industry, red beans, bread, kuih-muih, kek, potatoes, mango, betik, orange, banana, corn oil and peanut oil.

The characteristics of blood type A individuals:

• Have a sensitive digestive system
• Need to avoid foods than dairy and meat products
• It is recommended that a vegetarian diet or taking high levels of carbohydrates, but low-fat
• Reducing stress through meditation, or exercise
• Self beristirehat

The recommended diet menus:

Breakfast: Water mixed with lime juice and oat juice
Snek: Grape juice / coffee
Middle Eat Day: Salad and one slice of wheat bread and herbal tea
Snek: Kuih two pieces of rice and green tea
Dinner: Pasta without meat mixed broccoli, yogurt and herbal tea


Berbeza with individuals of blood type A, the individual's blood type B is more flexible. Dr theory. Peter JD'Adamo recommend this type of blood type to avoid frozen foods or foods in tin strongly recommend that when food is based on milk that has a high carbohydrate content.

Typical blood group B:

• It is advisable to go on a diet with all sorts of variations of food, but need menghadkan taking meat.
• It is recommended to take food and drink is based on milk to increase the immunization system bodies.
• Exercise appropriate to do is swimming, playing tennis, walking and meditating.
• To cope with stress, it is advisable to have a hobby and is based aktiviti kreativiti.

The owner of B blood type is very easy to immunization-related diseases and virus attacks, they are advised to take magnesium-rich green vegetables in quantity of lots.
The recommended foods are beef, goat kibas, hare, fish, all dairy products except 'blue chesse' and aiskrim, organic chicken eggs and chicken, olive oil, brown rice, white rice, the food is based on rice and fruits.

When the food needs of uptake is reduced chicken, crab, shrimp, shellfish, eggs, quail, duck eggs, sesame oil, corn oil, sun seed oil, peanut oil, soya oil, coconut, coconut milk, soy, peanuts, beans sunflower, pumpkin seeds, sesame, peanut pistacio, tempeh, tauhu, red beans, wheat is based foods, noodles immediately, rice sticky rice, corn, radish, tomato and corn.

The recommended diet menus:

Breakfast: banana and grain along with a glass of nonfat milk
Snek: Grape juice
Tengahari Eating: A piece of chicken breast and two slices of bread along with salad and herbal tea
Snek: lime juice / yogurt and herbal tea
Dinner: A piece of smoked fish, boiled vegetables, fresh fruits and herbal tea


Diet blood type AB is the owner of a combination of diet type blood groups A and B. Disease risk is plagued by sinus, ear infections, and respiratory disorders. Taking the recommended foods are seafood, all kinds of eggs (except duck eggs), fermented milk (through a process penapaian), olive oil, soya bean oil, peanut oil, peanuts, all types of vegetables except corn, and mushroom and taugeh all kinds except citrus fruits.

Faction than this blood type, should menghadkan making beef, shrimp and marine fish, milk and all dairy products and processed meats. Food is based kekacang also need to be taken in small quantity. Subtract the decision is based on grains such as bread, kek, kuih-muih and pasta.

The characteristics of blood type AB individuals:

• Have a sensitive digestive system
• It is recommended to take food in small quantities but often
• For more vigorous exercise in every morning encouraged

The recommended diet menus:

Breakfast: Air lime juice, grape juice, two slices of bread with one slice of cheese
Snek: Yogurt
Eating Tengahari: hirisan four chicken breasts, salad, two plum seeds and herbal tea
Snek: Kek cheese and herbal tea
Dinner: Omelet and fruit salad and coffee


Dr. Peter JD'Adamo suggest that type O blood owners take more high protein foods, low carbohydrate diet followed by taking fish or meat (except processed meat) and vegetables are many, eggs and nuts but avoid dairy products and wheat. He also suggested that owners of these types of blood collection menghadkan fruits.

Owner blood type O should avoid all kinds of grain, pasta and rice. Dr. Peter JD'Adamo participate menyenaraikan foods such as vegetables that need dihindar broccoli, mustard greens, taugeh, eggplant, mushrooms, and potatoes. For owners of these types of blood, eggs, milk, wheat and kekacang not needed memandangkan body has got properties rather than a source of meat.

Avoid citrus kerana intestinal poisoning he was able to bring to this blood group types.

Characteristic of O blood group:

• Have a system of higher body immunization versus other types of blood group
• Easy to adapt to a variety of foods
• To cope with the pressure, it is advisable to do aerobics
• It is advisable to take high-protein foods and low in carbohydrates, such as meat, fruits, fish, vegetables
• Risk and kerosakan inflamed organs such as arthritis if the food taken does not correspond

The recommended diet menus:

Breakfast: Two slices toast with butter and grain banana layer
Snek: tea herbs
Tengahari Eating: A piece of roast beef, spinach and apple salad
Snek: A piece of kuih
Dinner: A piece of beef and asparagus are cooked, boiled potatoes, fruit and herbal tea

The study conducted by Dr. Peter JD'Adamo This is a new and still there is contention rather than specialist feeds. Indeed, does not see the blood type, what is more mainstream is the practice feeds the advice.

Feeds advice is essentially about feeds meet daily and at the same time, circumvent the lack or excess substances that may contribute to disease risk associated with the feeds without thought of individual blood type. It includes making wise decisions about what kind of food should be eaten and how the practice of eating behavior advice. Indeed, there terpulanglah same to you want to adapt saranan Dr. Peter J.D 'Adamo or not.

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