Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Islamic Art in the Christian Church

"WE stand in the Christian church staring at a collection of Islamic art a Jew," laughter of Khalili. "Is there a better way to show the harmony of the three religions of this world?"

Jewish-Iranian businessman, Nasser David Khalili (65 years), has a collection of objects of Islamic art ever in the whole world. According to art is the most beautiful in this world and he wants to share his enthusiasm with the world. A total of five hundred pieces of art collection can be seen in the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) in Amsterdam.

Khalili, comes from a family Jewish art dealer from Isfahan, Iran, which began in the 70s to collect Islamic art. Forty years later, his collection has exceeded 25,000 pieces and make it as leading collectors of Islamic art in the world.

"Dr. Khalili Collection This is an encyclopedia," said the Arab expert Luit Mols, author of the exhibition in Amsterdam this catalog. "The collection consists of the main objects of art from all ages, regions and forms." In the Nieuwe Kerk can be witnessed among other books of Qur'anic calligraphy, Persian miniatures which when magnified 100 single time will still be visible the details of the beautiful, glass art glass smooth flavor, ceramics, jewelry, and textiles. "Not all objects of Islamic art was religious," said Khalili. '"Different from the example of Christian art, Islamic art from the world's most secular in character."


Journalist Michel radion Nederland Hoebink writing, this collection truly profitable Khalili. When he started collecting in the 70's, he was a pioneer. But in the past 15 years, especially in the Gulf region, more and more interest in their own cultural heritage. Many private collectors and museums who buy art objects. Therefore, hargapun increased and the Khalili collection also rose in value by more than one billion euros.

But for Khalili is not money. "Art became part of humanity, I am just a temporary guardian." The former computer expert who dubbed 'cultural ambassador of Islam' has one mission: "I want to show the world that Islamic art is the art of the most beautiful and diverse in the world. To some extent, indebted to the European culture of Islam '.

Khalili considers his job to keep the Islamic art for the next generation. He asked the renowned international scientists to research and cataloged collection. According to him, this is the largest encyclopedia of Islamic art ever written. "I want to make 40,000 copies and send it free to the entire university in the world."

One of his favorite artwork is a painting depicting Persian Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. "The three monotheistic religions are brothers from the same family who used to live together in harmony. This painting is buktiknya."

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